


  Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address Steve Jobs presents his life experiences in three short stories, which have infected many people, including those who are confused about life, the graduating students and me. I have listened to this famous speech many times over and over again, and at different stages of my life, I have come to different truths. And the season of graduation is coming. Last year, I was often felt confusedIlost at this moment. I think like most people, I don’t know the future direction. In the face of the cruel reality of the society and the Chinese culture,I am always inculcated the thinking that I need to graduate from university to find a good job. I don't think it's a wrong idea to get a good job, but this major is not what I love, it's just that the grades are just achieve, and the chosen department is good for finding a job,that all. There are always many multiple choice questions in life, and if you ask me have I ever regretted the deci


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